Retail & Travel

Business Impact Tracking in Corporate-Startup Collaborations

This workshop shows the tools to assess the potential business impact of startup collaborations. These are key to show business units how much value can be unlocked by working with startups. It also provides a strong framework for prioritizing projects and guides the path to becoming a profitable startup partnering unit. This is key to convincing top management of the value of your startup partnering activities. Finally the Business Impact Calculator by GlassDollar will be presented to the partecipant.

We will answer these questions:

1. What are the benefits of measuring business impact?
2. How can the business impact be calculated systematically?

Target: Innovation managers, Head of R&D, Head of BUs interested in innovating their products and/or processes

Marco Beretta

Sommario workshop

This workshop shows the tools to assess the potential business impact of startup collaborations. These are key to show business units how much value can be unlocked by working with startups. It also provides a strong framework for prioritizing projects and guides the path to becoming a profitable startup partnering unit. This is key to convincing top management of the value of your startup partnering activities. Finally the Business Impact Calculator by GlassDollar will be presented to the partecipant. Il workshop è a cura di GlassDollar Marco Beretta + Peter Borcher Buon ascolto!

Marco Beretta
Marco Beretta

Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Marco Beretta.

Sono un alumnus del Politecnico di Milano, uno startupper orgogliosamente fallito (Wisort, il futuro della gestione dei rifiuti - accelerato da PoliHub), e attualmente un esperto di Venture Clienting e Country manager Italia presso GlassDollar, il Venture Clienting Operating System.

Dopo aver sostenuto la costituzione delle Venture Clienting Units di diverse società internazionali (es. Volkswagen) e condotto end-to-to-end 100+ PoCs, ho raccolto conoscenze approfondite sui problemi che rallentano e spesso bloccano le collaborazioni tra Corporation e Startup.

Ciò ha permesso al mio team e a me di sviluppare un processo efficiente ed efficace, potenziato dai nostri proprietari sistema operativo e motore di ricerca, che consente a qualsiasi azienda di eccellere nella collaborazione con startups e ottenere un ROI medio per PoC di ~1M EUR.



Hi everyone, my name is Marco Beretta.

I am an alumnus of Politecnico di Milano, a proudly failed startupper (Wisort, the future of waste management - accelerated by PoliHub), and currently a Venture Clienting Expert and Country manager Italy at GlassDollar, the Venture Clienting Operating System.

After having supported the set up of the Venture Clienting Units of several international corporations (e.g. Volkswagen, Siemens, A2A Life Company) and conducted end-to-end 50+ PoCs, I collected deep knowledge about the issues slowing down and often blocking the collaborations between Corporations and Startups.

This enabled my team and I to develop an efficient and effective process, empowered by our proprietary Operating System and Data Engine, to allow any company to excel in Startup collaboration and gain an avg. ROI per PoC of ~1M EUR.

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